Tube City #ODG5Tube City

Opasno je izlaziti na površinu. Čak i ako možeš podnijeti otrovni zrak, masnu kišu ili sunce koji neumorno prži, Blood Machine banda je svugdje. Baza im je u velikoj zgradi preko rijeke.

Spitfire #ODG20Spitfire

Na valovima koji udaraju o zidove potonulih nebodera, Spitfire timovi traže način kako preživjeti u razrušenom svijetu.

Expedition #ODG61Stygia: Vatreno krštenje

Of course the world ends, you did this to us. When the ice melted you said nothing. When the plague spread you did nothing. When the stars dropped you became nothing.

Wayward #ODG87Untended Hearths: First Foray

Collect your belongings, gather your wits and sharpen your steel. Our hopes and futures live and die with you. And most of all - beware the Wayward.

Wayward #ODG88Untended Hearths: The Sorceress' Tower

Collect your belongings, gather your wits and sharpen your steel. Our hopes and futures live and die with you. And most of all - beware the Wayward.

MYZ #ODG89Silvershine Shanty

Maybe it’s all fairytales. It doesn’t matter. You have no choice. This is the beginning.

WW #ODG93Untended Hearths: Upheaval - Part 1

You will form a small group and head to Whitewall. By smarts or by steel, subtlety or skirmish, you must return to us with the treasures that belong to us. 

WW #ODG93Untended Hearths: Upheaval - Part 2

You will form a small group and head to Whitewall. By smarts or by steel, subtlety or skirmish, you must return to us with the treasures that belong to us. 

Tower in a desert ODG120Vodonoše Bijele Pustinje

Prošle su trideset i dvije godine otkako je Toranj Nebeskog slapa sukljao iz sebe dragocjenu vodu. Vrijeme je da se duga opet prelije nebom i da osigurate život za još trideset i dva ljeta. Vodonoše, utažite nam žeđ.