Flame Without Shadow (by John Harper, Andrew Gillis, and Sean Nittner) - Play as the Bluecoats, Inspectors, and Spirit Wardens in this playset about special missions for the law enforcement systems of Doskvol.

The land you live in has been at war for as long as any of you have been alive.

The Queen has decided to undertake a long and perilous journey to broker an alliance with a distant power.

The Queen has chosen you, and only you, to be her retinue, and accompany her on this journey.

She chose you because she knows that you love her.

A tale of love.
A land in peril.

FU: the Freeform Universal RPG is the lightweight, super-flexible, super-fun roleplaying game that puts your characters at the centre of the action.

Fudge is a rules-light role-playing game engine providing a common set of game mechanics that can be used to create any role-playing game you desire. Fudge uses a simple word-based system for handling action and combat resolution, which makes the game fast-paced and easy to play.

You are dead. You shuffled off this mortal coil, passed away, bought the farm, or any of a thousand other quaint metaphors we use to avoid staring into the face of our own mortality.

You are not dead. Something else was more important – you didn't have time to lie quiet in your grave, you had things that needed doing. And on the cusp of dissolution, at the crossroads of this world and the next, you met something that felt the same way.

Girl by Moonlight is a multi-genre RPG of Magical Girls grappling with destiny: hopes thwarted, defended, redeemed, and betrayed. It explores the heartbreak of denying who you really are, fighting for what you believe in, and the transcendent power of relationships and community.

U bliskoj budućnosti u kojoj je čovječanstvo propalo u distopiju, igrači preuzimaju uloge revolucionara pod nazivom Rogue. Njihov je cilj svrgnuti naprednu umjetnu inteligenciju koja vlada svijetom, a na putu do tog cilja ispriječit će im se stotine automatiziranih borbenih jedinica pod nazivom Legardien.


Welcome to Good Society, the Jane Austen roleplaying game.

Good Society is a collaborative regency rpg that seeks to capture the heart, and the countenance, of Jane Austen’s work.

It is a game of balls, estates, sly glances, and turns about the garden. At least on the surface. Underneath this, just as in Austen’s own novels, it is a game of social ambition, family obligation and breathtaking, heart-stopping longing.