Operational overview
Planewardens Corps HQ - Special Activities Branch - Confidential
Director Vandree,,
Updated mission package has been prepared. Congratulations on the success of operation Rebel Yell. We now have first intel on the leadership of the Silent Chorus. On another matter, we have strong indications that the enemy is planning a surprise raid in the realm of Ravnica. Nothing actionable yet but I propose a QRF squad be placed on standby if needed.
Good luck Director!
* * *
Operation Nighthawk
Realm: Faerun
A trade caravan on it's way to Targos was attacked by cultists near Termalaine. A single halfing survivor claims that the cultists spoke of a "world wound" that has appeared in the icy wastes and will grow to consume the world. Given that our diviners detected traces of a breach in the Icewind Dale region it is possible that these cultists are connected to the Silent Chorus. Wardens are to travel to Termalaine, track down the cultists and ascertain the nature of this "world wound". Should the Chorus be involved the mandate is to neutralize their activity.
Operation Anvil Moon
Realm: Exandria
There are increased rumors that the local criminal organization known as the Clasp has negotiated a new lucrative deal in trading smuggled Residuum glass. Apparently the shipments are sold to an unknown client and large deliveries are pouring into Kymal of all places. Given that a breach event was detected in the area recently it is not unlikely the Clasp are indeed supplying the Silent Chorus, but to what end? Send Wardens to infiltrate the Clasp and determine the identity of the client as well as put a stop to the operation.
Operation Anger Day
Realm: Eberron
Gathered intel is conclusive. We have traced the location of the Silent Chorus' secret base somewhere in Blade desert of the Talenta Plains region. They are being led by a mysterious individual named Sarkhan who is expected to be on site. It seems they have set up a hidden research facility where they are conducting experiments on the stolen elemental they acquired in the Aundair raid. The mission is to locate their base, put a stop to their experiments and if possible apprehend this Sarkhan individual. Have your wardens brush up on halfling speak.
Operation Redline
Realm: Krynn
War is raging in the province of Qualinesti. The evil dragon Beryllinthranox leads her forces against the elven defenders. General Laurana Kanan, leader of the elven armies has been abducted in a surprise raid. Unknown assailants have managed to bypass the magical wards that protect her camp during the night and defeat her guard taking the general behind enemy lines. Signs of a Breach clearly indicate that the Silent Chorus is involved. The elves are staging a rescue mission and unbeknownst to them they will be reinforced by our Wardens. The mandate is to rescue Laurana Kanan and find out more about Chorus activity on Krynn.
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