Their Finest Hour #ODG12Their Finest Hour


Blessing Unheralded #ODG13Blessing Unheralded

For more than a hundred centuries, the Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth.

The Olive Branch #ODG41The Olive Branch

For once, the Deathwatch are called upon not for war, but for peace.

40K Santa #ODG43How a Plaguebearer Stole Candlemass

Candlemass (officially called the Feast of the Emperor's Ascension) is one of the few days in the Imperium when the working masses are allowed a brief respite from their daily drudgery: a single da

Deathwatch #oODG 7 5The Death of a Traitor

The Planetary Governor of Hesperus IV, Thilo Haass, has rebelled against the Imperium, refusing to pay the tithes due and acknowledging the Emperor as his God.

pustinjskamora #ODG57Pustinjska mora

Kako kaže stara poslovica iz Seshara: “Samo je jedan užas veći od pustinjskog sunca - svi užasi skriveni u pustinjskoj noći.” 

black thunderhawk #ODG80Black Thunderhawk Down

Mission Imperious Comet complete. Kill-team Ordinatus requesting extraction.

Coyote #ODG93Bijes Pihatu’Hikaie

Žarna Planina, neaktivni vulkan u podnožju kojeg se nalazi sveti grad Kumantaya, počinje se buditi

Star wars padawana training before a temple ODG105Posljednje ljeto

Ovo je i zadnje ljeto bez svjetlosnog mača, na jesen završavate prvu etapu jedi učenja i krećete u izradu osobnog oružja, simbola jedija. 

offic ODG131Kiša, krv i hereza

U srcu Enoha, nekada svetog hodočasničkog svijeta, sada vlada glad, bolest i beznađe.