Popunjeno 3/4 mjesta

#ODG6 Fantasy

Deep within the Grey Mountains, almost hidden amongst the jagged peaks, lurks the dark imposing castle of the Great Enchanter. Even though its master is now dead, his terrible presence scoured from the conscious mind and only mentioned in fireside tales, the mute stone walls of the castle still seem to stir with dark and malicious purpose. Many brave Adventurers have entered the castle's forbidding walls in search of treasure and glory, or to satisfy their morbid curiosities. Few have ever returned.

Popunjeno 5/5 mjesta

#ODG6 Steampunk

Lady Blackbird is on the run from an arranged marriage to Count Carlowe. She hired a smuggler skyshi

Popunjeno 4/4 mjesta

#ODG6 Fantasy

Dakle, nije dobro...

Grang je oduvijek bio mrzovoljan, ali posljednjih dana mu se nitko ne usudi ni približiti. Ovo s cirkusom je bila prava tragedija. Četiri vrlo sposobna kurira su gubitak s kojim se još i možemo nositi, ali gore od toga, ljudi sad govore da smo nesposobni. Potražnja za Crowleyevim kuririma je drastično opala. Grang je morao sve cijene naših usluga značajno smanjiti.

Hoćemo li se svi zajedno morati vratiti natrag u Moorhedge?

Je li stigao kraj ekspanziji Crowleyevih kurira?