Žanr Survival
Baštinici Krhotina
16. 09. 2021.
Prije nego li je Sveti Fariel pobijedio demona Raxinaxa, prije uspostave Bedemskih Kraljestava, čak i prije ne...
Enemy Beyond the Gates
19. 09. 2019.
The Red Army marches through the ashes of Stalingrad, rolling over bodies of friend and foe alike on their path of...
Beria's manor
16. 05. 2019.
In 19th century France life is a day to day struggle. Wars, revolutions, disease, famine and crime have taken coun...
Beria's manor
02. 05. 2019.
In 19th century France life is a day to day struggle. Wars, revolutions, disease, famine and crime have taken coun...
Sava tiho teče
07. 03. 2019.
Bio ti je težak dan. Na putu do posla, još po mraku, činilo ti se da te neki pas prati uličicama dok nisi ušetao u...