To All A Good Night

Popunjeno 5/4 mjesta


It’s been a long, hard journey, but it’s well worth it. Anything to avoid the meat-grinder at the Pontar, right? Nobody knows how long Vergen can hold out, but everybody knows it won’t be long. Nothing stops the Nilfgaardian war machine. A few days of sneaking past Nilfgaardian patrols, maybe picking up a few deserters on the way, and you’ve landed in some little Aedirnian town called Ashberg. It’s a nice enough place but people seem a bit on edge.


Ovo će biti prvi službeni playtest The Witcher TTRPG sustava. Avantura je premade, trajat će nekih uobičajenih 3 sata (ako prođe sve u redu).

Moći će te izabrati između 4 pregenerirana lika koja sam složio tematski da se uklapaju u priču.

Kockice ponesite, ako ih ne ponesete bit će vam dodijeljene GM-ove bagatelske kockice. Vidimo se! :)

GM: Jaime22
Igrača: 4